Beautiful clothes for Every Body. The collection is designed, individually cut, sewn & hand tinted in a rainbow of colors, sold in the Sara Mique atelier in Florida & many fine specialty shops in the US. "Try Before You Buy" program available for some styles and sizes, (the color black only). You pay shipping. See return policy.

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T: 954.531.6800

T-F 10 AM to 5:30 PM Eastern

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Liquid Sequin Beauty

Hand Tinted Ombre

Beautiful Halter Style

Sequin Embroidered Silk Plisse'

Same Dress, Different Color

The Showroom Come visit our store
4800 W Hillsboro Blvd B-6
Coconut Creek, FL
Appointments Requested
Tues - Fri: 10am - 6pm
Sat, Sun & Mon: closed